“Azure, a shining mullet argent, with the motto “Signum Fidei.”

This is the official seal of the Brothers’ Institute. It is over three hundred years old. The correct heraldic description of this badge is: Azure, a shinning mullet argent, with the motto “Signum Fidei.”
The star which is shinning in a blue background represents the star of Bethlehem which brought the wise men to the Divine Child. It was appropriately chosen by the Brothers, because they too keep their eyes fixed on a star, which brings them to the Child Jesus as well. He is found in the persons of their pupils.
Many more Brothers are needed in Sri Lanka, if this star is not to be torn out of the sky by the “spirit of darkness.” In 1951 two new words were added to the Coat of Arms of the Institute of the Brothers. The Most Honourable Brother Athanase Emile who had travelled far and wide and who presided at the festivities of the Tercentenary of St. John Baptist De La Salle, wanted that the grand religious family of the Brothers be always united as it was in that memorable year 1951. In fact he wrote: “May this union of mind and heart, which was so evident during the LaSallian Year, endure and strengthen more and more, so that in an Institute composed of such diverse elements and of over sixty provinces, the sacerdotal prayer of our Saviour may be fully realised: ‘Holy Father, help them in Thy name whom Thou hast given Me, so that they may be one as We also are one.’ And indeed the devise, ‘Indivisa Manent’ on the ancestral Coat of Arms of St. John Baptist De La Salle, seems to us an eloquent appeal for that good under-standing which should ever reign among the many members of the same family…..”
On an azure background, then, and above the gold-rayed star, appear the two words so full of meaning “Signum Fidei.” This in English means ‘Sign of Faith’. Now, two other words “Indivisa Manents” (that nothing may ever divide us, that we may always remain united) are inscribed below them. And hence the Coat of Arms of the Brothers is even more significant…..
Thus the Institute will present a united front capable of withstanding storm and shock; for it will have the blessing of God and the power of strength attached to unity of hearts and of action.