Chronoloy College History

A Timeline of the College

1849 Dec 21The foundation stone was laid in Mutuwal by the First Bishop of Colombo, Rt. Rev. James Chapman.
1851 Feb 3The Preparatory School was opened with 50 boys and with Bishop Chapman in charge.
1851 May 21Rev Wood arrived and took charge of the College as the first Warden.
1852College orphanage opened.
1853Warden Wood retires.
1854Warden Baly takes charge of the College.
1854 Sept 20Christ Church Cathedral dedicated and served as the Cathedral of the Diocese of Colombo and the Chapel of the College.
1860Warden Baly retires.
1863Warden Bennet assumes duty.
1866Retirement of Warden Bennet.
1871Rev J Bevan is appointed as the First Sub warden.
1875The College Magazine started by the Sub Warden Rev. T.F. Faulkner.
1877Warden Bacon retires.
1878Rev E.F. Miller appointed as Warden.
1879College Library & Debating Society Started.
1884College Colours of Blue & Black selected and first used.
1885The Nine Run match played & won by STC.
1886The OBA formed. Feb 1st named as Old Boys Day.
1891Cadet Corps formed. Beginning of Prefect & Detention system. Retirement of Warden Miller. Rev Read assumes duty as the Warden.
1894Publication of the First History Book by Mr. C.H. David.
1895Retirement of Warden Read.
1901Warden Stone takes over the College.
1901 Dec 16Golden Jubilee of the College.
1914World War I. 88 Thomians killed in action. Lt. Basil Horsfall was awarded posthumously the Victoria Cross for valour.
1917 DecCollege moved out of Mutuwal after 63 years. The Cathedral remained.
1918 Jan 25College reassembled in Mt. Lavinia. The Main Block and the Science Laboratory were the only 2 permanent buildings.
1920War Memorial committee of the OBA purchases & creates Big Club Ground.
1921Choir revived by R.B.W Jayasekera.
1922Cub pack formed by Mr. V.P. Cooke.
1923Dining Hall built.
1924Big Club Grounds opened and dedicated to the those who died in the Great War.
1925Warden Stone retires.
1926Warden McPherson takes charge of the College.
1926Day House System started.
1927 Feb 13 & 15Chapel of the Transfiguration dedicated by Rt. Rev. Mark Carpenter Garnier, the Bishop of Colombo.
1929The 16th Colombo Scout Troop was formed. Hockey was introduced.
1929Foundation stone for the new Dormitory was laid by the Governor of Ceylon.
1930The Board of Governors was formed & was incorporated by an act of the legislature. Retirement of Warden McPherson.
1931Fives Courts were gifted by Dr. R.L.Hayman.
1932Canon de Saram appointed as Warden of the College. He was the 1st Old Boy & Ceylonese Warden.
1934The Swimming Bath was gifted by Dr. R.L. Hayman.
1937‘The History of S. Thomas’ College Colombo’ written by Mr. W.T. Keble.
1938The Hammond Organ was gifted by Sir Stewart Schneider.
1937Beginning of World War II.
1942School temporarily closed at Mount. Transferred to Getambe, Milagiriya (St. Paul’s) & Mt. Lavinia (Girls High School) while the College Campus was taken as a hospital.
1945The Getambe group became S. Thomas’ College Gurutalawa, which was the first branch school.
1946College reassembled at Mount Lavinia.
1946The modern Coat of Arms made its’ first debut at the Royal Thomian Cricket Match.
1947The Service of Nine Lessons and Carols introduced by Canon R.H.B. Yin. It was styled in the way that of Kings College Cambridge.
1948Independence of Ceylon. Rt. Hon. D.S. Senanayake, a Thomian became the 1st Prime Minister.
1951The Centenary Year of the College. S. Thomas’ became a Private Fee Levying School.
1951 Feb 3Laying of the foundation stone for the Lower School Building.
1951Rifle Range declared open.
1955Introduction of Rugby Football.
1956Introduction of Basketball.
1957Military Road named as de Saram Road.
1957Retirement of Warden de Saram.
1959Warden Davidson assumed duties as the 1st lay Warden.
1959Introduction of de Saram house.
1959 Oct 6First Observance of the Feast of St. Thomas, the Apostle, the Patron Saint of India & Ceylon.
1960The Student Christian Movement was inaugurated for the whole Christian Community of the College by the Rev. Canon R.H.Bower Yin.
1962The Ceylon Liturgy first used in the Chapel.
1962Retirement of Warden Davidson.
1965Rev. Selvaratnam takes charge of the College as the Warden.
1967The Post of School Manager introduced by Bishop Harold de Soysa.
1968The Mural of the Transfigured Christ finished by Mr. David Paynter.
1969Retirement of Warden Selvaratnam.
1969Warden Anandanaygam assumes duty.
1974Grade 1 classes opened.
1977Retirement of Warden Anandanayagam.
1977Mr. Illangakoon became the Warden of the College.
1979Centenary Royal Thomian Cricket Match played first time for 3 days.
1979Hewisi Band formed.
1983Warden Illangakoon retires.
1983Mr. Neville de Alwis becomes Warden.
1984Swimming Pool refurbished and dedicated to the memory of Dr. R.L. Hayman.
1984The College Office shifted to the Old Zoo- Botany Lab. Thalassa renovated and become the official residence of the Sub Warden (Upstairs) & Chaplain (Downstairs).
1986The Allen Digital Organ installed in the Chapel.
1987The C Block declared open in commemoration of the Centenary Anniversary of the OBA.
1988The Scout Room declared open.
1990The Winchester Dorms & Sick Room declared open by the Lord Bishop of Colombo.
1992Phase I of the Indoor Sports Complex declared open by the Lord Bishop of Colombo.
1993The 75th Jubilee of the transfer from Mutuwal to Mount. A Jubilee walk was organized in which a sapling of the Banyan tree in Mutuwal was planted in the Chapel Gardens.
1997Sports Complex opened by Prof. G.L. Peiris
1998The Thomian Chamber Orchestra was formed.
1998Retirement of Warden de Alwis.
1999Commemorative Stone unveiled & the Big Club Grounds re dedicated for those who died in the Wars.
2001The Installation of Dr. Ponniah as Warden.
2002 Feb 3The Sesquicentennial Celebrations of the College. A Service of Thanksgiving was held. A bust of Bishop Chapman unveiled by the oldest Thomian Clergyman (Rev. Denley Peiris). The Heritage Museum declared open by the Oldest Living Thomian (Mr. Artie Lankatileke). College General Assembly held in the hall in which a commemorative stamp was canceled by the Warden.
2002The Platinum Anniversary of the College Chapel. A service of Holy Communion was held.
2002A teacher’s felicitation ceremony was held in connection with the 150th Anniversary.
2002A Cub Room was opened.
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